US, Canada End Loophole Allowing Asylum-Seekers to Cross Border

The United States and Canada have officially ended a loophole that allowed asylum-seekers to cross the border between the two countries. The new policy states that any non-citizens of the United States or Canada who are caught within 14 days of crossing will be sent back across the border.

This decision was made in response to growing concerns over immigration policies and border security in both countries. Officials from both nations have stated that this change is necessary to maintain order and control at their borders.

"This new policy will help us better manage our borders while still maintaining our commitment to providing refuge for those who need it," said a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The previous loophole had allowed asylum-seekers to cross into either country without being turned away immediately. Instead, they were able to wait on Canadian soil until their claims could be processed by Canadian authorities.

However, this led many individuals seeking asylum in the United States to make their way into Canada instead, where they believed they would face less scrutiny and could gain entry more easily.

While critics argue that this new policy may violate international refugee laws, officials insist that it is necessary in order to manage an increasingly complex situation at both borders.

"We understand that people are seeking safety and stability," said a representative from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. "But we also must ensure that our systems can handle these requests effectively."

With this new policy now in effect, officials hope it will lead towards more effective management of immigration policies as well as improved overall security along the shared U.S.-Canadian border.