Idaho Governor Signs Firing Squad Execution Bill into Law

Boise, Idaho - In a controversial move, Idaho Governor Brad Little has signed a bill into law that would allow for death row inmates to be executed by firing squad if the state cannot obtain the drugs needed for lethal injections.

The new legislation comes as many states face difficulties in obtaining the necessary drugs due to pharmaceutical companies refusing to sell them for use in executions. The bill passed through the Republican-controlled legislature earlier this year and was quickly signed into law by Governor Little.

Critics of the new law argue that execution by firing squad is an outdated and barbaric method of capital punishment. They also point out that it is more expensive than lethal injection because of the need to train marksmen and provide additional security measures.

Proponents of the bill argue that it provides an alternative method of execution when other options are not available. They also claim that it is a more humane method compared to botched executions with untested drug combinations.

Under current Idaho law, death row inmates can choose between lethal injection or electrocution as their preferred method of execution. With this new legislation, they will now have a third option: being shot by a firing squad consisting of five trained individuals who aim at heart level from behind a wall.

It remains unclear when or if this new legislation will come into effect since there are currently no inmates on death row in Idaho. However, some legal experts predict legal challenges could delay any future implementation.

In his statement on signing the bill, Governor Little stated: "I don't relish the idea of someone being executed." He continued, "But I think there are circumstances where society has determined unanimously...that we need to protect our citizens."

The debate over capital punishment continues across America as states grapple with issues surrounding its legality and morality. Only time will tell how this latest development will play out in practice within Idaho's justice system.