Allarity Outlines Steps to Accelerate Delayed Recruitment in Ixempra, Stenoparib Cancer Trials

Allarity Outlines Steps to Accelerate Delayed Recruitment in Ixempra, Stenoparib Cancer Trials

Allarity Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on developing targeted cancer treatments, has announced its plans to accelerate the recruitment process for its delayed clinical trials of Ixempra and Stenoparib.

The trials were initially scheduled to begin earlier this year but have been delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The company has outlined several steps that it will take to expedite the recruitment process and get the trials back on track.

"We understand that delays in clinical trials can be frustrating for patients and their families," said Steve Carchedi, CEO of Allarity Therapeutics. "That's why we are taking proactive measures to move these important studies forward as quickly as possible."

One of the key steps being taken by Allarity is an expansion of the geographic scope of patient recruitment efforts. The company plans to broaden its reach beyond current trial sites in order to identify more eligible patients who may be interested in participating.

Additionally, Allarity will be implementing virtual screening procedures which will allow potential participants greater access while minimizing exposure risks during the pandemic.

"By leveraging technology and expanding our outreach efforts, we hope to bring together a diverse group of patients from around the world," added Carchedi. "This will help us gather more comprehensive data which could ultimately lead us closer towards finding effective treatments for those battling cancer."

Allarity remains committed towards advancing its mission and bringing innovative solutions into oncology research despite challenges caused by COVID-19. By outlining these steps today, they show how dedicated they are towards speeding up clinical trials that can potentially save millions of lives around the globe.