Russia conducts simulated attack with nuclear-capable, anti-ship missiles in Sea of Japan

Russia conducts simulated attack with nuclear-capable, anti-ship missiles in Sea of Japan

Russia's Defense Ministry has announced that it conducted a simulated attack in the Sea of Japan, which included two boats firing several nuclear-capable missiles. The exercise was carried out as part of routine military drills aimed at testing the country's defense capabilities.

The ministry stated that the missile launches were carried out from small missile ships "Sovetskaya Gavan" and "Melenkiy". It added that the target for these missiles was a group of mock enemy ships. During the drill, both vessels fired multiple Kalibr cruise missiles and P-800 Oniks supersonic anti-ship missiles.

According to reports, these types of missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads and can travel up to 1,500 kilometers at hypersonic speeds. The use of such weapons during a simulated attack demonstrates Russia's readiness to deploy them in any potential conflict.

The drill comes amid increasing tensions between Russia and its neighbors in Asia-Pacific region over territorial disputes. The Russian military has been conducting regular exercises in response to what it perceives as an encroachment on its borders by foreign powers.

In recent years, Russia has been modernizing its armed forces with new weaponry including advanced missile systems designed for long-range attacks. This move is seen by many as an attempt to assert Moscow's dominance on global affairs while also deterring potential adversaries.

While this latest exercise may have been intended as a show of strength by Russia's Defense Ministry, it is likely to further escalate tensions with neighboring countries like Japan and South Korea who have expressed concern about Moscow's increasingly aggressive posture in the region.

In response to this development, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga held an emergency meeting with his top security officials where they discussed ways to counteract growing threats from North Korea and China. He also called on Moscow not to engage in actions that could destabilize regional security.

The United States, which has been closely monitoring Russia's military activities in the region, has not yet commented on this latest exercise. However, it is expected to issue a statement soon given its ongoing tensions with Moscow over issues such as Crimea and Ukraine.

As of now, it remains unclear what impact this simulated attack will have on regional security or if there will be any further escalation of tensions between Russia and its neighbors in Asia-Pacific region.