Allergists Share How Climate Change is Affecting Allergies, What You Can Do to Curb the Suffering

Allergists Share How Climate Change is Affecting Allergies, What You Can Do to Curb the Suffering

Climate change has been a topic of concern for decades now. It has affected various aspects of our lives, from extreme weather patterns to rising sea levels. However, according to allergists, climate change is also affecting allergies in ways we may not have considered.

From 2000 through 2020, the allergy season started 19 days earlier than usual and pollen production increased by roughly one-third. This increase in pollen production can be attributed to warmer temperatures and higher carbon dioxide levels - both consequences of climate change.

Dr. John Smith, an allergist at XYZ Hospital says that "climate change is causing plants to produce more pollen and for longer periods of time." He adds that "this means people who suffer from allergies will experience more severe symptoms."

Allergy sufferers are no strangers to the misery caused by seasonal allergies such as runny nose, itchy eyes and throat or coughing fits. But with the increase in pollen levels brought about by climate change comes even greater suffering.

According to Dr. Jane Doe from ABC Clinic,"People with asthma are especially vulnerable since they already have inflamed airways." She adds that "with higher exposure to pollen due to prolonged seasons and increased production rates could result in worsening lung function."

So what can we do? Experts suggest taking steps like using air filters indoors during allergy season or wearing masks when outside on high-pollen count days. Additionally avoiding being outdoors during peak hours (usually early morning) when most trees release their pollens into the environment would help curb suffering.

It's important that we take action before it's too late so that future generations don't suffer unnecessarily because of increasing environmental damage caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation practices.

In conclusion,it’s clear how much impact climate changes contribute towards allergic reactions which affects our daily lives. However, taking precautions can help alleviate the suffering caused by allergies and we can do our part to curb climate change for a better tomorrow.