Gavin Newsom Calls Out Kevin McCarthy's Silence on Mass Shootings

Gavin Newsom Calls Out Kevin McCarthy's Silence on Mass Shootings

California Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom, has taken to Twitter to criticize Republican House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, for his silence on the issue of mass shootings in America. In a scathing tweet posted yesterday evening, Newsom wrote just one word: "Unconscionable."

News of the tweet comes after a video was released showing McCarthy being asked about gun control following recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. In response to the question, McCarthy deflected blame onto mental illness and violent video games.

The video drew widespread criticism from Democrats and gun control activists alike. However, it is Newsom's response that has gained particular attention due to its directness and forcefulness.

In his tweet, Newsom did not mince words or offer any kind of diplomatic language; he simply called out what he sees as an unacceptable lack of action from one of America's most powerful politicians.

The governor's comments are sure to further fuel debate around gun control in America. The issue has become increasingly polarized in recent years with Republicans generally opposing tighter regulations while Democrats argue that more needs to be done to prevent attacks like those seen in El Paso and Dayton.

While it remains unclear whether McCarthy will respond directly to Newsom's tweet or take any action on gun control legislation moving forward, the California governor's comments serve as a reminder that many Americans are frustrated by what they see as political stalling on this critical issue.

As the 2020 presidential election approaches, it seems likely that debates around gun violence will only intensify further. For now though, all eyes remain fixed firmly on Washington D.C., where politicians continue their struggle over how best to tackle this pressing problem facing our nation.