Katie Hobbs' Press Secretary Josselyn Berry Slammed For Trans-Rights Gun Meme After Shooting

Katie Hobbs' Press Secretary Josselyn Berry Slammed For Trans-Rights Gun Meme After Shooting

Josselyn Berry, the press secretary of Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, is facing criticism after posting a controversial meme on social media. The image depicted a gun with the words "Trans Rights" written on it, along with the caption "It's simple: we just want to live." This post came shortly after a shooting in Colorado that left 10 people dead.

Republicans in Arizona were quick to denounce the tweet as inappropriate and insensitive. They called for Governor Hobbs to take action against her spokesperson.

State Representative Mark Finchem tweeted his disapproval, saying that "This kind of rhetoric is unacceptable and has no place in our public discourse."

Meanwhile, State Senator Sonny Borrelli released a statement saying that "Ms. Berry's actions are not only deeply offensive but also demonstrate an alarming lack of judgment."

The controversy comes at a time when gun control and LGBTQ+ rights are both prominent issues in American politics. Many have pointed out that this meme seems to conflate the two topics in an inappropriate way.

Governor Hobbs has not yet commented on the matter or indicated any plans to discipline her press secretary. However, some speculate that this incident could harm her standing with voters ahead of next year's gubernatorial election.

Regardless of what happens next, this controversy shows how contentious political discourse can be even outside official channels like campaign speeches or policy debates. It remains to be seen if Ms. Berry will face any consequences for her actions or if she will continue serving as Governor Hobbs' spokesperson without incident.