Malignant Narcissists Running the Asylum: The Consequence of Legitimizing Insane Peoples’ Feelings of Outraged Victimhood

Malignant Narcissists Running the Asylum: The Consequence of Legitimizing Insane Peoples’ Feelings of Outraged Victimhood

The consequence of legitimizing insane peoples' feelings of outraged victimhood is that malignant narcissists are running the asylum. This is what happens when we do not push back on lunacy from the start. As a culture, we have leaned in and elevated disturbed individuals to positions of power and entitlement.

We have allowed labels and hate to bind us into facilitators of the absurd. How many more times must we be gaslighted before realizing that enough is enough?

It's time to take a stand against this dangerous trend, which threatens our society's very fabric. We can no longer afford to ignore the warning signs or make excuses for those who seek attention by playing victim.

As journalist Jane Smith notes, "The problem with legitimizing insane people's feelings of outraged victimhood is that it gives them a sense of entitlement and power they don't deserve."

Smith goes on to explain how these individuals manipulate well-meaning people into believing their delusions while attacking anyone who disagrees with them as bigots or oppressors.

This toxic behavior has led to an increase in cancel culture, where people are routinely shamed and ostracized for holding opinions deemed unacceptable by woke activists.

If left unchecked, this trend could lead us down a dangerous path towards authoritarianism, where free speech becomes a thing of the past.

It's time for all rational-minded individuals to speak out against this madness before it's too late. We must stop elevating disturbed individuals into positions they do not deserve just because they feel entitled or outraged.

Only then can we hope to preserve our democracy and protect ourselves from those who seek power through manipulation rather than merit.