Russia Halts Nuclear Weapons Communication with US; Spain Sending Tanks Soon: Live Ukraine War Updates

Russia Halts Nuclear Weapons Communication with US; Spain Sending Tanks Soon: Live Ukraine War Updates

In a move that has widened the gulf between two of the world's most powerful nations, Russia has announced that it will no longer inform the United States about its nuclear missile tests. This decision comes as tensions continue to rise between Moscow and Washington over several issues, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

According to reports, this is not the first time that Russia has halted communication with the U.S. on matters related to nuclear weapons. In 2015, Russian officials suspended their participation in a treaty aimed at reducing nuclear arms after accusing the U.S. of violating its terms.

Meanwhile, Spain is preparing to send tanks and other military equipment to Ukraine in order to support its efforts against pro-Russian separatists who have been fighting for control of parts of eastern Ukraine since 2014.

The deployment of Spanish troops and equipment comes after years of conflict in which thousands have died and many more have been displaced from their homes. The move is part of a broader effort by Western powers to support Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In response to these developments, experts are warning that tensions could escalate further between Russia and Western countries if a resolution isn't reached soon.

"The lack of communication on such important matters only serves to increase mistrust between these countries," said one expert who spoke on condition of anonymity due to sensitivities surrounding international relations.

As always during times like these, it remains important for all parties involved - governments and citizens alike -to remain vigilant and informed about any updates or changes regarding this ongoing situation.