Democrat Stacey Plaskett Throws Document Back in "Mansplaining" Republican's Face During Hearing

Democrat Stacey Plaskett Throws Document Back in "Mansplaining" Republican's Face During Hearing

In a heated exchange during a hearing on Capitol Hill, Democratic delegate from the Virgin Islands, Stacey Plaskett, threw a document back in the face of Republican Congressman Jim Jordan. The incident occurred after Chairman Jim Jordan refused to let Democrats question witnesses.

Plaskett was visibly frustrated and angered by what she saw as an attempt by Jordan to "mansplain" the proceedings to her and her colleagues. She made her feelings clear when she forcefully threw back a document that had been handed to her by Jordan during the hearing.

Jordan responded with surprise and confusion as he watched Plaskett throw the document back at him. He then attempted to defend his actions but was quickly shut down by other members of the committee who were equally unhappy with his behavior.

The incident has sparked widespread debate online about sexism and discrimination in politics. Many have praised Plaskett for standing up for herself and others who may feel marginalized or ignored in similar situations.

This is not the first time that tensions have run high between Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill, but it serves as a reminder of how important it is for all members of Congress to treat each other with respect and professionalism - especially during important hearings like this one.

As for Plaskett, she remains steadfast in her commitment to serving her constituents and fighting for what she believes is right - regardless of any pushback or criticism from those around her.