Disney appears to strip DeSantis' Reedy Creek board of power

Disney appears to strip DeSantis' Reedy Creek board of power

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' selected board to oversee the government of Disney's Reedy Creek Improvement District may be facing a legal battle, as reports suggest that Disney has stripped it of its power.

According to sources, the Walt Disney Company recently revised its bylaws for the district, which covers 25,000 acres and includes both Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort in California. The changes reportedly removed many powers previously held by the district's board members.

The move comes after DeSantis appointed three new members to the five-person board earlier this year. The governor had expressed concerns about how decisions were being made within the district and sought to bring more transparency to its operations.

However, it remains unclear whether this recent action by Disney is related to those concerns or if there are other factors at play. Some experts speculate that the company may be seeking greater control over its own governance structure.

The situation could potentially lead to a legal showdown between Florida officials and one of the world's largest entertainment conglomerates. Observers say that any such dispute would likely center on issues such as corporate governance and municipal authority.

Neither representatives from DeSantis' office nor those from Disney have commented publicly on these reports yet. However, insiders suggest that discussions are ongoing behind closed doors in an attempt to resolve this issue before it escalates further.

For now, uncertainty reigns over what will happen next with regards to Reedy Creek's governance structure – and what impact this could have on both Florida residents and visitors alike who rely on its services.