Reds Opening Day: Pitch Clock, Bigger Bases and Other Changes Fans Will Notice

Reds Opening Day: Pitch Clock, Bigger Bases and Other Changes Fans Will Notice

Major League Baseball (MLB) is set to introduce several new rules for the 2023 season. The changes are aimed at making the game more exciting while speeding up play. Cincinnati Reds fans can expect to see some of these changes during their team's opening day.

One significant change is the introduction of a pitch clock that will limit how long pitchers have to throw the ball. This rule should speed up the pace of play and prevent games from dragging on too long.

Another change that fans will notice is bigger bases. MLB has increased base sizes from 15 inches square to 18 inches square, which could make it easier for runners to stay safe at first base.

MLB has also announced an alteration in pitchers' mound heights, where they will be reduced by a few inches from its current height of ten inches.

These changes aren't only limited to gameplay; there are also modifications happening behind-the-scenes like increased monitoring and enforcement against sticky substances used by pitchers.

In addition, umpires can now check for foreign substances on any player's body or equipment if they find suspicious activity during a game.

Despite these significant shifts in league regulations, players seem ready and willing to adapt. As Cincinnati Reds pitcher Jeff Hoffman said about the pitch clock: "I don't think it's going to affect us too much...It'll just take a little bit of getting used to."

While some baseball traditionalists may not welcome all these new rules with open arms, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred believes that they're necessary for keeping America's pastime relevant amid growing competition from other sports leagues around the world.

The future looks bright as Major League Baseball heads towards modernization with fan experience being paramount in every decision made by officials.