NY Grand Jury Votes to Indict Former President Trump; Surrender Expected Early Next Week

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury after years of investigations into his personal, political and business dealings. This historic reckoning is an abrupt jolt to his bid to retake the White House.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the New York grand jury voted on Wednesday to indict Mr. Trump. While details of the charges have not yet been made public, it is believed that they relate to financial improprieties and tax fraud.

The indictment marks a significant turning point in Mr. Trump's legal troubles as he faces multiple investigations across multiple jurisdictions. It also sets up a potentially explosive legal battle between Mr. Trump and prosecutors who have spent years scrutinizing his actions both before and during his presidency.

Mr. Trump is expected to surrender himself early next week in accordance with standard procedure for those facing criminal charges in New York state.

The news comes just weeks after reports emerged that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.'s office had convened a special grand jury as part of its investigation into possible criminal activity by Mr. Trump and his associates.

In response, representatives for Mr. Trump released a statement calling the indictment politically motivated:

"This is nothing more than a witch hunt by partisan Democrats who are desperate to destroy President Donald J. Trump's legacy."

Despite these accusations, many experts believe that if convicted on any charges related to financial crimes or tax fraud, Mr.Trump could face significant jail time - further complicating any future political ambitions he may hold.


"The wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn," said Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Speaker of The House.

"Today’s news underscores once again how critical it is that Congress pass legislation protecting our democracy from future presidents who believe they are above accountability," said Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

"We're going to hold Donald Trump accountable," said New York State Attorney General Letitia James.