Parents at Loggerheads Over 28-Year-Old Daughter Who Moved Home and Doesn’t Do Anything

Parents at Loggerheads Over 28-Year-Old Daughter Who Moved Home and Doesn’t Do Anything

A couple in their 50s is at odds over what to do with their 28-year-old daughter who moved back home but does nothing. The situation has created a rift between the two, with the father insisting that she should be urged to take action while the mother feels her daughter needs more time.

According to Dear Abby, the woman stays in her room day and night, doesn't go to the doctor or dentist, and doesn't have any friends. Her parents are worried about her future prospects as she shows no signs of wanting to get a job or move out.

The father wants his daughter to be given an ultimatum about getting a job or finding another place to live. He argues that this will motivate her towards taking responsibility for herself. On the other hand, the mother believes that forcing anything on their adult child may cause more harm than good.

In response, Dear Abby suggests seeking professional help from a therapist who can mediate between both parties and provide advice on how best to handle such situations.

"Pushing your daughter too hard could lead her into depression or apathy," says Dear Abby. "It's important for both of you not only seek professional help but also communicate openly with each other."

While it might not be easy for these parents dealing with a difficult situation like this one concerning their adult child living at home without showing any ambition towards becoming independent anytime soon; there is always hope if they work together towards finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.