Passaic County Sees 52 Real Estate Sales with Average Price of $496,874

Passaic County Sees 52 Real Estate Sales with Average Price of $496,874

Passaic County, Newfoundland has recorded 52 real estate sales in the past week, according to data generated by Real Estate Wire. The average price for these properties is $496,874 at a rate of $239 per square foot.

The most expensive sale in the area was a single-family residence located at Kinnelon that sold for $999,999. Meanwhile, the sale of the house at 30 Gould Road in Newfoundland reached $649,900. The property has a living area of 2,876 square feet and was built in 1974. The transfer of ownership was settled last February with a total purchase price of $700,000.

In addition to this property deal are others that were also recently finalized including the sale of a detached house at 3 Cosden Lane in Wayne and another single-family home located at95 Stonybrook Road in Towaco.

Real Estate Wire is an aggregator service provided by United Robots which uses machine learning to analyze national real-estate data from Propmix.

Meanwhile Salem also saw one of its most expensive deals when a single-family residence sold for $800,000 between March 20 and March27.The house is among several other notable sales including those on Rainbow Trailin Elmer and Willis Streetin Penns Grove which were both finalized around early March.

Sparta's Sussex Countyalso had an impressive deal during this period when they sold their own residential home for$650000.Other counties such as Atlantic County had some noteworthy transactions like Longport's Monmouth Avenue sellingfor$2.3 million while Margate City's Harding Avenue finalizing their own sale witha total purchase priceof$625000 or roughly around$528 persquarefoot

Union county also made headlines when Westfield toppedthe listwith itssold propertyat1 Jason Court with apurchaseprice of $2.4 million and a rate of $1,111,000 per square foot.Another property on Lawrence Avenue was also sold around this time.

These notable real estate sales transactions were analyzed by Real Estate Wire through the use of machine learning technology to generate data from Propmix.