Trump Indicted in Manhattan, Becoming First Ex-President Charged with a Crime

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted in Manhattan on charges related to a "hush money" payment made just days before he was elected president in 2016. This makes him the first ex-president ever to be charged with a crime.

The indictment comes as no surprise, as prosecutors have been investigating the matter for several years. The payment in question was made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, who claimed she had an affair with Trump.

Trump's former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations relating to the payment back in 2018, implicating Trump as directing him to make the payment.

The indictment alleges that Trump and his company, The Trump Organization, falsified records related to the payment and concealed it from regulators. Prosecutors say that this constitutes a criminal conspiracy against American democracy.

"Donald J. Trump participated in a scheme to hide material facts from voters," said Cyrus Vance Jr., Manhattan District Attorney. "This is not just about one isolated incident; it is about preserving the integrity of our elections."

Despite being out of office for several months now, this indictment could have serious consequences for Trump's political future. If convicted on these charges, he could face up to five years in prison.

Trump has yet to comment publicly on his indictment but has previously denied any wrongdoing regarding the hush money payment.