Home Secretary Theresa Braverman to introduce mandatory reporting of child sex abuse crimes in England

Home Secretary Theresa Braverman has pledged to make child sex abuse crimes illegal by introducing mandatory reporting across the whole of England. The announcement comes amid growing concerns over the sexual exploitation of children, particularly vulnerable white girls who have been targeted by British-Pakistani men in child abuse rings or networks.

The move has been welcomed by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) as a "step in the right direction." However, they stressed that more work was needed to improve understanding and awareness of who is at risk.

Labour has also called for this policy for a decade and urged ministers to set a timetable for when it will be implemented. Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, accused political correctness of overlooking signs of child sexual abuse. She believes that gangs are pursuing, raping and drugging vulnerable white English girls.

Speaking on her plans regarding ending systematic institutional failure towards safeguarding children against sexual exploitation she said “We will not let cultural or political sensitivities get in the way of protecting children from harm,” she further added “I am determined we do all we can protect victims and prevent these abhorrent crimes happening."

The introduction of mandatory reporting aims to put an end to systematic failures in safeguarding children against sexual exploitation.