Pro-Kremlin Blogger and War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed in Cafe Bombing

Pro-Kremlin Blogger and War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed in Cafe Bombing

A prominent pro-Kremlin blogger and war correspondent, Vladlen Tatarsky, was killed in a cafe bombing in St. Petersburg on Sunday. The explosion also injured 15 people who were present at the scene.

Initial reports suggest that an improvised explosive device had been planted inside the cafe. Given Tatarsky's controversial views and opinions, he is believed to have been the target of the attack.

Tatarsky was a well-known military blogger with over half a million followers online. He had posted pictures and videos from the scene shortly before the blast occurred.

The incident comes amidst heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine, as six civilians were killed and eight wounded in Russian shelling of Kostiantynivka on Sunday morning.

While Kremlin officials are expected to address this assassination directly in coming days, it should be noted that just three days prior to this event, Russia arrested Evan Gershkovich - a UK reporter for The Wall Street Journal - on charges of espionage.

Furthermore, following Mr Putin's arrest last year by Ukrainian authorities for war crimes related to events occurring during their conflict with Moscow-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine; The International Court of Justice has found reasonable grounds suggesting Putin himself may be responsible for these same offenses including deportation (unlawful) transfers (unlawful) children from occupied areas of Ukraine.