Survey Shows Increase in Use of Shopping Lists as People Adapt to Changing Times

Survey Shows Increase in Use of Shopping Lists as People Adapt to Changing Times

According to a recent survey conducted by retail data firm Kantar, there has been a significant increase in the number of people using shopping lists. The study found that by the end of last year, 27% of respondents had either started regularly writing or making greater use of shopping lists.

These lists not only show people's shopping needs but also provide insight into their lives. From dietary restrictions to household necessities, the items on these lists can reveal much about an individual's lifestyle.

Despite rising costs and economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, there were few changes in the top 10 brands compared with previous years. However, Kantar noted that there had been a clear impact from rising costs across all categories.

One interesting finding from the survey was that despite financial difficulties, people were still willing to treat those they love. This is evidenced by items such as chocolates and flowers remaining popular purchases throughout the year.

Overall, this survey sheds light on how people are adapting and changing their behaviors during these unprecedented times. As more individuals turn to shopping lists for organization and efficiency purposes while navigating through various disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic.