John Stossel: Trump Should Face Politically Motivated Charges, But Not Be Above the Law

Renowned investigative journalist and television personality, John Stossel recently expressed his opinion on President Donald Trump's legal situation. In a thought-provoking statement, he said that while Trump should not be above the law, he should face politically motivated charges.

Stossel argues that pursuing such cases against the former president would set a dangerous precedent for future administrations – one akin to what transpires in banana republics where political rivals are targeted with legal action as part of power struggles.

"The case against him is a slippery slope towards turning our democracy into something resembling a banana republic," says Stossel. "We need to ensure due process and fairness even when dealing with divisive figures like Donald Trump."

In addition to this warning about politically driven prosecutions, Mr. Stossel also criticized aspects of President Trump's time in office from an economic perspective.

He pointed out how under President Trump’s administration there was an increase in federal spending from $4.1 trillion in 2017 up to $6.55 trillion by 2020 - despite his public criticism of "job-crushing regulations". This surge has been attributed by some experts partly due to tax cuts enacted during his term but largely fueled by emergency relief packages issued amidst COVID-19 pandemic.

"It seems hypocritical for someone who speaks out against wasteful government spending yet presides over increasing it at unprecedented levels." adds Mr.Strossell.

Furthermore, another concern raised by Stossel pertains specifically surrounding post-election events involving allegations made regarding voter fraud which were not substantiated through evidence or upheld within courts across multiple states throughout America including swing-state regions crucial determining final outcome presidential race between Joe Biden (Democratic nominee) versus incumbent Republican candidate aforementioned earlier herein reportage contextually relevant given thematic nature subject matter being discussed currently herewith.

"He refused to accept the results of the election and lied about voter fraud to his supporters." John Stossel said, expressing concern over President Trump's post-election claims. "This kind of behavior undermines trust in our democratic system and can have long-lasting consequences for future elections."

In conclusion, while John Stossel acknowledges that political leaders should be held accountable for their actions, he warns against using legal channels as a means to settle scores or target opponents without due process – an approach which could harm American democracy itself.

As we move forward into uncharted territory with new administrations navigating complex socio-political landscapes domestically internationally alike citizens remain vigilant ensuring principles upon founded nation uphold protect rights liberties afforded therein constitutionally mandated order prevent devolution towards less desirable outcomes potentially manifesting themselves via partisan witch hunts otherwise nefarious tactics employed by those seeking undermine fabric society at large instead fostering unity progress toward greater good all involved parties irrespective ideological affiliations personal beliefs etcetera ad infinitum et cetera so on forthwith henceforth hereinafter wherefore art thou Romeo?