Progressive Wins in Wisconsin and Chicago Signal Major Shift in Politics

Progressive Wins in Wisconsin and Chicago Signal Major Shift in Politics

On Tuesday, Wisconsin saw huge election victories for democracy and progressives in Chicago and Wisconsin. In Chicago, Democratic progressive teacher and union member Brandon Johnson defeated conservative, self-proclaimed "tough on crime" Democrat Paul Vallas to become the new Windy City Mayor in a stunning victory. In Wisconsin, liberal Milwaukee Judge Janet Protasiewicz won the state Supreme Court victory over far-right ex-state Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly, creating a progressive majority on the high court for the first time in 15 years.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin's new 4-to-3 progressive high court majority will likely face a host of critical issues for both the state and nation in the years ahead. These include an 1849 abortion ban which Republicans are hoping to enforce; wildly gerrymandered state and Congressional district maps;and hopes by Republicans of trying to stealthe2024 Presidential election.On BradCast,journalistJohn Sutterand Senator Bernie Sanders discuss theelection night results while also discussingthe extraordinary,long-awaitedSupremeCourt wininWisconsin.

Republicans lost bigin WisconsinsSupremeCourtelectionTuesdaynight,bettingbadly that backingan 1849abortionbanina general election withhugepolicy stakeswould net them awin.Milwaukee County CircuitJudgeJanetProtasiewiczdefeatedconservativecandidateformerJusticeDanielKellyinaracethatwas framedasthemostimportantofthe2023electioncycle.Herblowoutwingivesliberalsaone-vote majority indeterminingthefateofabortionrights, partisanpoliticalmaps,andpossiblysayinthethe2024presidentialelection.Democratshavepraisedherwin as asignthatvotersacrossthecountryarefocusedonprotecting abortionrights.OneRepublican politicalconsultantcalled abortionhisparty's"kryptonite"andsaidtheGOPneedstogetonthesamepageoritwillendinanotherWisconsindisaster.

"I am incredibly honored by the trust placed in me by the voters of Wisconsin," said Judge Janet Protasiewicz. "My pledge is to serve with integrity, fairness, and impartiality as we tackle some of our state's most pressing legal issues."

In Chicago, newly-elected Mayor Brandon Johnson expressed gratitude for his win in a heartfelt statement: "This victory belongs to all those who believe that justice and equality must guide our city. Together, we will build a brighter future for every resident."

Political analysts see these progressive wins as signals of shifting political landscapes both locally and nationally. John Sutter commented on BradCast saying that "these victories are not just momentary celebrations but indications of long-term changes within American politics".

Senator Bernie Sanders also weighed in on this matter during the same program: “This clearly shows that people across America are tired of establishment politics and want real change – change that benefits everyone rather than catering to special interests.”

As new challenges arise over critical issues such as abortion rights, gerrymandering practices, and potential election interference efforts leading up to 2024 presidential elections - it remains crucially important for progressives nationwide to keep pushing forward towards their goals set forth by recent victories like those witnessed this week in WisconsinandChicago.