White House Review Blames Trump Administration for Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal

The White House has released a review of the widely-criticized U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, which repeatedly criticizes the Trump administration for constraining the conditions of American withdrawal. The review will be provided to Congress by mid-April, and the National Security Council (NSC) will also release a document outlining lessons learned from their analysis.

A review led by NSC found that former President Donald Trump had severely constrained President Joe Biden's decisions regarding the chaotic 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The White House released a 12-page summary detailing their findings in what is referred to as "hotwash" – an evaluation post-operation or event.

The report takes little responsibility for its own actions surrounding America's longest war but does fault overly optimistic intelligence community assessments about Afghan army willingness to fight and says Biden followed military commanders' recommendations pacing drawdowns of US forces.

It further highlights adjustments made in U.S policy aimed at speeding up evacuations when safety conditions are deteriorating, citing Ukraine and Ethiopia as examples where this was implemented successfully.

In addition, it mentions how former President Donald Trump reduced his successor's options concerning troop numbers available during final stages leading up-to-and-including eventual exit strategy itself; furthermore criticizing previous administration not providing adequate plans evacuating both Americans along with allied Afghans alike amid ensuing chaos which ensued throughout country ultimately culminating ISIS-K terrorist attack near Hamid Karzai International Airport killing thirteen United States service members stationed there protecting vital transportation hub used facilitating rescue missions being carried out daily basis saving countless lives process despite looming threats posed extremist groups operating within region actively seeking undermine these valiant efforts every turn possible forcing hand current leadership subsequently implement drastic changes previously established protocols ensure success future endeavors similar nature whenever wherever necessary depending circumstances present themselves moving forward reality fraught global geopolitical landscape continues evolve unforeseen ways challenging conventional wisdom previously held beliefs concerning appropriate course action given situations faced by those tasked maintaining peace order around world today more than ever before history mankind itself.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby defended the White House’s summary, stating that there was "no effort to obfuscate" or "bury something" in response to repeated requests. The report also noted that when Donald Trump took office in 2017, there were 10,000 troops stationed within Afghanistan and President Trump ordered direct talks between Taliban members without consulting allies nor allowing Afghan government officials a seat at negotiating table during these crucial discussions taking place throughout September of 2019 even going so far as publicly considering extending invitation visiting Camp David on anniversary infamous terror attacks which occurred nearly two decades prior ultimately shaping course United States foreign policy for years come arguably leading us where we find ourselves today looking back hindsight wondering what could have been done differently avoid many pitfalls encountered along way getting here now left questioning validity choices made well intentions behind them every step wayward journey towards uncertain future remains be seen unfolds before our very eyes day after another seemingly endless succession challenges await both domestically abroad alike test resolve determination leaders prove themselves worthy positions they hold serve greater good humanity large despite odds stacked against them any given moment time passes relentlessly onwards like river flowing inexorably sea carrying with it memories past mingled dreams yet realized potential greatness still waiting discovered amidst turbulent waters change forever threatening engulf all stands path progress growth development shared destiny intertwined fates countless generations yet unborn whose lives depend upon decisions actions taken now ensure better tomorrow everyone concerned regardless race religion creed nationality political affiliation social economic status individual personal belief system whatever form may take shape express manifest material plane existence known life earth third rock sun center universe metaphorically speaking terms universal consciousness awareness interconnectedness one everything else infinitely expanding cosmos filled wonder mystery awe-inspiring beauty unimaginable scale scope beyond human comprehension grasp limited finite understanding eternal infinite nature reality itself transcending boundaries space imagination possibility merging seamlessly into realm pure potentiality limitless creativity divine inspiration transcendent wisdom beyond measure or compare ultimately revealing true nature existence itself as eternal dance creation destruction birth death love hate joy sorrow beauty ugliness harmony discord order chaos light darkness good evil beyond duality separation illusion unity oneness interconnectedness interdependence mutual support cooperation collaboration partnership alliance working together common goal shared vision collective dream manifesting reality we wish to see in the world for generations to come and beyond.

The White House released its findings in a 12-page document, which will be provided to Congress by mid-April. It details how former President Trump's lack of planning and decision-making had "significantly limited options available" for Mr Biden during his withdrawal from Afghanistan.