China Imposes Sanctions on Taiwan's De facto Ambassador to the US, Hsiao Bi-khim and Family Members

China Imposes Sanctions on Taiwan's De facto Ambassador to the US, Hsiao Bi-khim and Family Members

China's Taiwan Affairs Office has announced new sanctions against Taiwan's de facto ambassador to the United States, Hsiao Bi-khim, and her family members. The move comes after Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's high-profile visit to the US and subsequent meetings with top American officials.

The sanctions strictly prohibit Hsiao Bi-khim and her immediate family from entering mainland China as well as Hong Kong and Macau. This follows a similar move by China in Hong Kong, Macau, and Beijing aimed at exerting pressure on Taiwanese individuals who are perceived as advocating for independence or stronger relations with Western countries such as the United States.

During her visit to the US, President Tsai met with Speaker of House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy which elicited strong condemnation from Beijing. Chinese authorities have consistently maintained their claim over self-governed Taiwan despite increasing tensions between both sides. In response to these developments Wu Qianyuang*, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense stated:

Taiwan under President Tsai has formed closer ties with Washington amid growing fears that an invasion from mainland China could become imminent if current tensions continue escalating further without diplomatic resolution.

Despite this burgeoning relationship between Taipei-Washington D.C., it is worth noting that most governments around world including America do not officially recognize Republic Of-China (ROC) - also known simply called “-” –as sovereign country because they adhere One policy which regards People ‘’(PRC)” sole legitimate government representing entire territory encompassing both Mainland & Island Formosa where ROC currently governs since end civil war 1949 when defeated nationalist forces retreated there establish separate administration what has become increasingly isolated entity international stage recent years due large part PRC’”s growing global influence economic military spheres.

This new round of sanctions from China appears to demonstrate Beijing's resolve in asserting its claims over Taiwan and sends a clear message that it will not tolerate any perceived challenges to the "One-China" policy. It remains unclear, however, how this move might affect ongoing diplomatic efforts between Taipei and Washington as both sides continue navigating their complex relationship amidst regional security concerns.

*Name has been changed for privacy reasons