Melania Trump Spotted in Public at Mar-a-Lago Easter Brunch, Receives Standing Ovation

Melania Trump made her first public appearance since her husband's arrest during an Easter brunch held at the former President Donald Trump's Florida club, Mar-a-Lago. Video footage posted to Instagram captured fellow diners in the ballroom greeting Melania with a standing ovation as she entered.

The former First Lady had been keeping a low profile after her husband's recent arrest and legal troubles came into focus. However, on Sunday morning, guests attending the festive brunch at Mar-a-Lago were both surprised and delighted to see Melania present for the occasion.

One of the attendees who wished to remain anonymous shared their experience: "We didn't expect Mrs. Trump to be here today given all that has happened recently but we are very happy she decided to join us for this event."

In addition to appearing publicly over Easter weekend, Melania also broke her silence on social media by tweeting just two words: “Happy Easter!” While many have speculated about how much knowledge she may possess regarding Donald Trump’s current situation or if there is any potential involvement in his affairs; thus far no statements addressing these concerns have been released from either herself or representatives speaking on behalf of Mrs. Trump.

Marjorie Simmons (45), another guest attending Sunday’s event commented on seeing Melania: “I think it sends a strong message that despite everything going around them right now they still want everyone else here not involved with politics or drama feel some sort normalcy during holiday season.”

As investigations continue surrounding Mr.Trump's case unfold further details will most likely come light however one thing remains certain- until more concrete information emerges only time tell what impact arrests could potentially have upon former Presidential couple life together moving forward