Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Trump's ‘Mind-Boggling’ Tucker Carlson Sit-Down

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Trump's ‘Mind-Boggling’ Tucker Carlson Sit-Down

Late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel took aim at Fox News host Tucker Carlson and former President Donald Trump during his monologue on Tuesday night. Kimmel mocked the bizarre dynamics between the two, as well as recent reports about the former president's personal life.

Kimmel discussed a story alleging that Trump had "begged" his wife Melania to attend an Easter brunch with him in public. The report also claimed that Melania might be the only woman in history who secured a better prenuptial agreement after getting married. "You know things are rough when you have to beg your own wife to go on an egg hunt with you," quipped Kimmel.

The host then turned his attention towards Tucker Carlson and their tumultuous relationship. He referenced criticism leveled against both men for engaging in what many see as hypocritical behavior—Carlson has called Trump a “demonic force” while simultaneously using private text messages to ignore him, seemingly attempting to humiliate him behind closed doors.

Kimmel cited claims stating that although Carlson hated Trump "passionately," he feared losing favor with his audience, leading him to publicly support and even "worship" the former president: "It seems like there's more flip-flopping going on here than at a beach party."

Despite being aware of this animosity, it appears that Trump is seeking access to Carlson’s influential platform due to its large viewership: “Trump knows Tucker hates him but wants his audience,” explained one insider quoted by Kimmel.

Tucker Carlson has received further backlash for not being able or willing to ignore Trump most nights during his broadcasts. Critics argue that if he genuinely dislikes the ex-president so much, why does he continue giving airtime?

"It's just mind-boggling how these two continue dancing around each other," said political analyst Jane Thompson. "This just highlights the complexity of their relationship and how they're both willing to put on a show for their audience."

Kimmel's monologue highlighted the confusing, often contradictory nature of politics and media personalities' relationships. As viewers continue to watch this developing story unfold, one can only wonder if either Carlson or Trump will ever truly break free from their mutually beneficial positions.