Rasmussen Reports: Less Than 40% of Americans Support Biden's Potential Second Term; RFK Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Campaign

Rasmussen Reports: Less Than 40% of Americans Support Biden's Potential Second Term; RFK Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Campaign

According to a recent poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, less than 40% of Americans believe that President Joe Biden should run for a second term in the White House in 2024. Additionally, only 32% think he should seek reelection as soon as February.

These findings come amidst growing speculation about who will contend for the Democratic nomination in the next presidential election cycle. The data reveals that two-thirds of respondents believe President Biden should face challengers from within his party during the primaries.

Among those planning to throw their hat into the ring is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has already filed paperwork announcing his intentions to launch a campaign for president in 2024. However, according to Rasmussen Reports' poll, only 46% of voters are supportive of Kennedy's potential candidacy.

In addressing these statistics, political analyst Edward Sullivan stated:

Sullivan added:

While it is still early days when it comes down to predicting what could happen during election season, this news indicates that both incumbent leaders like Joe Biden and newcomers such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. face challenges ahead if they hope to clinch their party's nomination in three years' time.

In response to Rasmussen Reports' findings on voter sentiment regarding her husband’s potential candidacy, Cheryl Hines-Kennedy voiced optimism:

As the 2024 election cycle approaches and more candidates declare their intentions to run, these numbers are likely to fluctuate. For now, though, it seems that both President Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. face an uphill battle in winning over American voters' hearts and minds.

In conclusion, the Rasmussen Reports poll offers a glimpse into public sentiment surrounding potential Democratic contenders for the presidency in 2024. With less than 40% of Americans supporting a second term for President Joe Biden and only 46% backing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign bid thus far, it remains to be seen how these figures will change as election season nears closer.