New MAGA Ad Targets Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Over "Pudding Fingers" and Political Record

New MAGA Ad Targets Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Over "Pudding Fingers" and Political Record

A Trump-aligned super PAC, Make America Great Again, Inc., has released an ad titled "Pudding Fingers," targeting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for his rumored eating habits and his record on Medicare and Social Security. The ad mocks a story in which DeSantis allegedly ate chocolate pudding with three fingers while also attacking him on Medicare, Social Security, and other issues.

The political action committee supports former President Donald Trump without officially being part of his campaign. This move indicates that Trump's supporters are willing to go after potential rivals over both policy stance and personal habits.

In recent weeks, DeSantis's popularity has fallen further behind Trump's in the Republican Party. Allies fear he may be waiting too long to declare a run for president.

The ad features a man in a suit with three fingers sticking into a cup of chocolate pudding while the narrator claims that DeSantis supports “cutting Medicare, slashing Social Security, and even raising our retirement age.”

This policy content comes from DeSantis' days as a member of Congress when he voted in favor of symbolic Republican budget plans that would have cut benefits and raised the eligibility age for both Social Security and Medicare to 70 years old.

Since his 2016 campaign, Trump has sought to differentiate himself from other Republicans by speaking out against cuts to both programs. Earlier this year, Trump warned Republicans not to touch Social Security or Medicare during their spending standoff with President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

DeSantis refuted the claim about eating pudding with his fingers during an interview with Piers Morgan but admitted facing attacks from various angles within politics. He told Daily Caller’s chief national correspondent Henry Rodgers that ultimately voters will make up their own minds about him: "I have people attacking me from all angles… but I think at the end of the day, it's up to the people."

The "Pudding Fingers" ad showcases Trumpworld's willingness to use unconventional tactics in promoting their preferred candidates while attacking potential rivals. As 2024 approaches, such moves are expected to become more frequent and intense within American politics.