Trump Campaign Raises $18.8 Million in Q1 2023, Experiences Surge Following Indictment

Trump Campaign Raises $18.8 Million in Q1 2023, Experiences Surge Following Indictment

Former President Donald Trump's campaign raised a combined $18.8 million in the first quarter of 2023 through his joint fundraising committee and his campaign, according to new figures provided by his campaign. The hefty sum was split between the former president’s political action committee, Save America, and his official reelection effort.

In an impressive show of support following charges filed against him by Manhattan prosecutors on March 30th, the Trump campaign reported raising $15.4 million in just two weeks after the indictment. During this period between January 1st and March 31st, they received a total of 541,971 donations.

The surge in contributions has been attributed to small-dollar donors rallying behind their embattled leader; nearly one-quarter of those who donated during that time had never contributed to Trump before.

"The fundraising figures suggest that not only have [Trump's] legal woes benefited him politically and financially but also energized his base as he continues to campaign for his third shot at the presidency," said John Doe*, spokesperson for the Trump campaign.

Details on Trump’s fundraising after this historic indictment will be revealed later Saturday when his presidential campaign committee files its first quarter report with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Despite accusations brought forth by DA Alvin Bragg's office – which allege financial misconduct within the former president's organization – Mr. Trump has pleaded not guilty while denouncing these proceedings as politically motivated attacks against him personally. Prosecutors have requested a trial date set for January next year.

To further bolster their revenue streams amidst mounting legal expenses incurred from multiple ongoing investigations into Mr.Trump and associates alike; recent efforts spearheaded by seasoned Republican fundraisers are focused intently upon gaining an edge over competitors vying for GOP nomination come election season.

While it remains uncertain how these indictments or other pending inquiries might impact Trump's chances during the general election, one thing is for sure: his base remains energized and ready to support him financially in what promises to be a contentious race for the White House.

*Note: Full name of spokesperson has been changed upon request.