Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Vows to Ensure Safety during G7 Summit Following Smoke Bomb Incident

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pledged to take all necessary measures to ensure safety during the upcoming G7 summit, following an incident in which a suspect threw a smoke bomb at his outdoor speech in western Japan on Saturday. The Japanese leader was quickly evacuated from the scene and remained unharmed.

In light of this event, Kishida stated that "Japan must not allow acts of violence that attack the foundation of democracy." He emphasized the importance of maintaining security and stability for both domestic and international events.

The smoke bomb incident serves as an unsettling reminder of last year's assassination attempt on former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In July, Abe was shot with a homemade gun while campaigning for a parliamentary election. As such incidents pose significant threats to political leaders and public gatherings alike, heightened security measures are being considered.

This weekend marks important meetings among G7 foreign ministers in Karuizawa, as well as environment and energy ministers gathering in Sapporo, northern Japan. Maintaining safety throughout these events remains a top priority for Japanese authorities and government officials alike.

Prime Minister Kishida stressed that he will work closely with relevant parties involved in organizing the G7 summit to guarantee safe proceedings amidst concerns surrounding potential disruptions or violent situations like Saturday's smoke bomb episode.

"We cannot let our guard down when it comes to ensuring everyone’s safety," said Akira Kawamura, director-general for policy coordination at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "We will continue working closely with law enforcement agencies both domestically and internationally."

With recent incidents posing challenges to democratic processes within Japan itself along with global cooperation efforts during high-profile summits like those held by G7 nations, ensuring secure environments is vital moving forward.

"I am committed to doing everything possible so that we can host successful conferences without any problems," Prime Minister Kishida declared, stressing his dedication to making the G7 summit a secure and fruitful experience for all involved.