Universal Plaza Opens in Downtown Tigard

Tigard's highly anticipated public space, Universal Plaza, officially opened its doors to the community on Saturday. The grand opening ceremony attracted a large crowd of excited residents and visitors eager to explore this new addition to downtown Tigard.

Located at Main Street and Burnham Street, the expansive plaza features a beautiful central green area, playgrounds for children, an interactive water feature, modern seating areas for relaxation or socializing, and ample parking spaces. With its picturesque surroundings and versatile design elements intended for all ages and abilities, Universal Plaza is projected to become one of the city's most frequented destinations.

Mayor Jason Snider expressed his enthusiasm about the project completion during a speech at the ribbon-cutting event: "Today marks an important milestone in our quest to make downtown Tigard even more vibrant and attractive. We believe that Universal Plaza will bring people together from all walks of life while fostering economic growth in our city."

Local business owners are also delighted with this development as they anticipate increased foot traffic around their establishments. Helen Jacobsen Smithson, owner of Café Delight located near the plaza said: "We couldn't be happier with having such an amazing space right outside our doorsteps. I'm certain that it will attract both locals and tourists alike—hopefully boosting sales for businesses like ours."

The development process of Universal Plaza began several years ago when Tigard officials recognized a need for additional public spaces within the rapidly growing city center. After extensive consultations with urban planners and architects as well as input from local residents through various town hall meetings held over time; plans were finalized before construction commenced last year.

A key goal behind creating this multifunctional gathering hub was promoting inclusivity among different age groups while providing accessible facilities catering specifically towards individuals who may have disabilities or mobility concerns—hence earning its moniker 'Universal.' Indeed; throughout every aspect—from pathway designs up until selecting appropriate playground equipment—careful attention has been paid towards ensuring that all members within a community can enjoy this new public space without any barriers or limitations.

In addition to offering plenty of leisure options, Universal Plaza is also envisioned as a platform for hosting various cultural events and activities throughout the year. The city council has already announced plans to organize an annual summer concert series, outdoor movie screenings, and seasonal festivals aimed at engaging the wider Tigard community while promoting local artists and businesses.

As visitors continue to flock towards downtown Tigard's newest attraction; it becomes increasingly evident that Universal Plaza's opening signifies more than just unveiling another public amenity—it signals a renewed commitment by city officials in their efforts towards fostering connectivity among residents while revitalizing its urban core through well-planned development projects like these.