U.S. Forces Raid ISIS Militants in Northwest Syria, Killing Three and Injuring Three

U.S. Forces Raid ISIS Militants in Northwest Syria, Killing Three and Injuring Three

U.S. forces conducted a raid against ISIS militants in northwest Syria on Sunday, resulting in the death of three individuals and injuries to three others. The operation comes after the death of an "ISIS senior leader" earlier this month, identified by the military as Khalid 'Aydd Ahmad Al-Jabouri, who was responsible for planning attacks into Europe and Turkey while also working on developing ISIS's leadership network.

The targeted raid involved U.S. helicopters focusing on a senior ISIS leader known for operational planning of terror attacks across the Middle East and Europe. Two other armed individuals were killed during the course of action.

General John W. Raymond, Commander at United States Central Command (CENTCOM), provided further details about the mission: "Our troops executed a flawless operation that resulted in no casualties among U.S. forces while successfully eliminating these dangerous threats."

There are approximately 900 U.S. troops stationed in Syria as part of ongoing efforts to defeat ISIS within the region and prevent its resurgence both there and beyond its borders.

"Our commitment remains steadfast in ensuring that we continue to disrupt any attempts by terrorist organizations like ISIS from growing or gaining power," said Pentagon spokesperson Rebecca Rebarich.

This focus is part of an ongoing campaign led by various international partners working together towards dismantling what remains of the once-powerful extremist group that had declared its so-called caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria back in 2014.

"We will continue our collaboration with coalition partners to ensure security within these regions, maintaining pressure on such terror networks," added Rebarich.

As this is still a developing story, please check back for updates regarding this recent raid against suspected terrorists operating out of northwest Syria.