U.S. Secretary of State Condemns Incident in Sudan as "Reckless" and "Irresponsible"

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called the incident in Sudan "reckless" and "irresponsible" as it continues to erupt in violence between rival forces. The G-7 foreign ministers have condemned the fighting and called for an immediate 24-hour ceasefire as a step toward a longer truce. At least 185 people have been killed, and over 1,800 wounded since the fighting erupted, according to U.N. envoy Volker Perthes.

The two sides are using tanks, artillery, and other heavy weapons in densely populated areas. The European Union's foreign policy chief Jose Borrell tweeted that the EU ambassador to Sudan had been assaulted in his own residency without providing further details.

Egypt, Egypt (sic), and the United States have also called for both sides to stand down.

U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken confirmed that a U.S diplomatic convoy was fired on by gunmen believed to be affiliated with the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia in Khartoum on Monday night. No immediate reports of casualties were reported; however, this incident marks another escalation in the fighting within Sudan.

Blinken said that vehicles within the convoy had diplomatic license plates and were marked with US flags. He also proposed a 24-hour humanitarian ceasefire initiative allowing aid delivery into conflict zones while paving way for more stable cessation of hostilities between warring factions.

Secretary Antony Blinken has confirmed an attack on a U.S diplomatic convoy amidst ongoing violence within Sudan: “I can confirm there was an attack involving our people... It is reckless; it is irresponsible; it is unsafe," he told reporters at a news conference adding that all individuals linked with this incident remain safe from harm’s way

The situation remains under investigation whilst calls grow louder for global cooperation to quell violent unrest and provide a safe passage for humanitarian aid to reach vulnerable populations.

“The vicious cycle of violence must end. We urge all parties involved in the conflict to respect international humanitarian law, protect civilians and ensure unhindered access for humanitarian actors,” stated U.N. envoy Volker Perthes as he appealed for calm within Sudan’s borders.

As events continue to unfold at breakneck speed, updates will be provided on this rapidly developing story when available.