Indian Court Denies Rahul Gandhi's Appeal in Defamation Conviction

Indian Court Denies Rahul Gandhi's Appeal in Defamation Conviction

A court in India has denied opposition leader Rahul Gandhi's appeal to suspend his defamation conviction, a setback for the Congress party leader who has been sentenced to two years in jail and disqualified from parliament over the charge. A lawyer for the opposing side confirmed the court order against Gandhi.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for making comments about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's surname at an election rally. The Supreme Court order states that a lawmaker convicted of a crime and sentenced to two or more years in prison is disqualified with immediate effect. However, the BJP denies this, claiming that due judicial process was followed in the case.

Gandhi had filed appeals earlier this month to suspend both his sentence and conviction at a court in Surat, India. Although granted bail to appeal against his conviction, it is crucial that his conviction be suspended or stayed so he can be reinstated as an MP.

The defamation case against Mr. Gandhi was brought by BJP lawmaker Purnesh Modi on allegations that Gandi's comments defamed their entire community. Despite this claim, Mr. Gandhi stated he made those remarks only with intent of highlighting corruption within government ranks.

Recently, a court located within western India’s Gujarat state dismissed opposition leader Rahul Gandhi’s appeal filed against his defamation case-related convictions which subsequently led him being disqualified from parliament last month after having been filed by Gujarat Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member Purnesh Modi.

In response,the court cited that given Mr.Gandhi's role as president of second largest political party,and member of Parliament,his choice of words should have been taken into account,since they would greatly impact public opinion.On 23 March,the courts proceeded with sentencing him for 2 years,and granting him bail alongside suspending jail time temporarily - allowing room for filing an appeal on prior convictions

This disqualification is considered a significant blow to India's opposition, especially considering that the country will hold general elections within a year, during which PM Modi seeks his third term. The dismissal of Gandhi’s stay on conviction has been vehemently condemned by members from the opposing Congress Party.