IRS Agent Seeks Whistleblower Protection Over Hunter Biden Case

IRS Agent Seeks Whistleblower Protection Over Hunter Biden Case

An IRS agent overseeing the prolonged investigation into Hunter Biden's tax returns is requesting whistleblower protection to testify before Congress. The agent alleges political interference and improper handling of the case by the Biden administration. According to reports, information submitted by this agent to officials within the IRS contradicts sworn testimony from a "senior political appointee." Additionally, internal reports suggest failures in mitigating clear conflicts of interest in managing these cases.

The Wall Street Journal first reported on the letter that identified Hunter Biden as the subject of an unresolved case. So far, Hunter Biden has paid over $1 million in back taxes using a loan obtained from Kevin Morris, an attorney and close friend. David Weiss, U.S. attorney in Delaware and a Trump administration holdover, will decide whether to file charges.

Seeking whistleblower protections ensures that this agent does not violate rules regarding discussing specific taxpayers' details publicly. A supervisor at the IRS informed Congress about potential mishandling of investigations involving President Joe Biden's son, referring to him as part of a "high profile, controversial" matter.

While lawmakers have been made aware of these allegations through an undisclosed letter that did not specifically name Hunter Biden or mention any other names directly related with it; no immediate response was received from lawyers representing whistleblowers when ABC News reached out for comment.

White House officials declined to comment on whistleblower claims and directed questions toward the Justice Department and IRS instead. Since 2018 federal authorities with U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware have been investigating matters relating to Hunter Biden's financial activities.