MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Ordered to Pay $5 Million in 'Prove Mike Wrong' Election-Fraud Challenge

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Ordered to Pay $5 Million in 'Prove Mike Wrong' Election-Fraud Challenge

My Pillow CEO, Mike Lindell, has been ordered to pay $5 million to an expert who debunked his data related to the 2020 presidential election. The arbitration panel awarded Robert Zeidman, a veteran software developer with decades of experience, a $5m payout on Wednesday after he sued Lindell over the sum.

The decision marks yet another blow to Lindell's credibility after he publicly touted unproven claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. In addition to this setback, Lindell faces defamation suits related to his election claims and held a so-called "cyber symposium" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 2021.

During the cyber symposium event last year, Lindell announced the “Prove Mike Wrong Challenge,” where anyone who could prove that his data was incorrect would receive a substantial payout. It seems that Robert Zeidman rose up to that challenge and decisively proved him wrong.

The arbitration panel's decision focused solely on whether or not the data provided by Mr. Lindell was indeed relevant or connected in any way with the November 2020 elections. After thoroughly examining each piece of information given by Mr.Lindell at his event last year, it became apparent that none of them were related at all with those elections as he had claimed.

In response to this ruling against him by arbitrators who determined unequivocally that what he presented during their investigation did not support any allegations made about widespread voter manipulation occurring throughout America’s electoral process leading up towards its most recent Presidential race - experts are now saying confidently: this is yet another important moment demonstrating both legality & validity surrounding our nation's voting systems overall while also emphasizing just how crucial cybersecurity measures have become within maintaining such integrity moving forward into future contests alike