St. Louis Financial Firms Show Generosity in 2022, Royal Banks of Missouri Leads the Pack

St. Louis Financial Firms Show Generosity in 2022, Royal Banks of Missouri Leads the Pack

St. Louis-based financial services firm, Royal Banks of Missouri, set a new benchmark for corporate philanthropy in 2022 by donating nearly $430,000 in total cash donations. With revenue just short of $40 million, this made Royal Banks of Missouri the firm with the highest cash donations as a percentage of its revenue.

The company's CEO, James M. Watson III stated: "We are proud to be able to contribute significantly to our community and make a positive impact on people's lives through our charitable initiatives."

Meanwhile, Centene Corp., another major player in St. Louis' corporate landscape donated an impressive $19.5 million locally throughout last year to various organizations such as the Missouri Botanical Garden, Washington University and the Muny (Municipal Theatre Association).

"Centene remains committed to supporting education and cultural enrichment within our community," said Michael F. Neidorff Chairman and CEO at Centene Corporation.

Schnuck Markets Inc., one of the largest privately-owned supermarket chains also demonstrated their commitment towards social responsibility by contributing $15.3 million locally during 2022 alone; extending support towards organizations like Operation Food Search, United Way and Urban League among others.

Todd Schnuck – president and CEO at Schnuck Markets said: “At Schnucks we believe that investing time money resources into our communities is not only good business but it’s also how we help build strong vibrant neighborhoods.”

As Corporate Philanthropy Awards 2023 approaches both companies have been nominated for recognition due their exceptional contributions within respective domains; while Royal Banks will compete under category "Highest Cash Donations relative Revenue"; Centene aims secure top spot overall giving back local community leaders eagerly await announcement winners later year.

This surge generosity among leading financial firms highlights growing trend businesses actively making difference their surrounding areas providing much-needed support organizations that work tirelessly improve lives citizens all walks life; proving once again power collective action when it comes giving back community.