Top Republican Plans to Speak with Rep. Greene After Controversial Hearing Outburst

Top Republican Plans to Speak with Rep. Greene After Controversial Hearing Outburst

Top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, Mark Green, plans to speak with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) after she called the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas a "liar" during a heated hearing on Wednesday. Democrats on the panel immediately requested that Green strike her comments from the record. It has been reported that Green was furious with her behavior and planned to privately reprimand her.

Other Republicans have expressed their frustration as well, claiming that this incident overshadowed their efforts to criticize Mayorkas over issues at the southern U.S border. Despite these reactions, Greene did not appear deterred and took to Twitter stating that unless they can call out liars within their ranks, Republicans will never defeat Democrats or be able to implement a conservative agenda.

During Wednesday's hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene blamed Secretary Mayorkas for fentanyl-related deaths across America in addition to calling him a liar outrightly. This sparked outrage among fellow committee members and led some Republicans considering whether she should be removed from future hearings due to disruptions.

Greene continued by accusing fellow GOP members of "doing the bidding" of Democratic colleagues rather than focusing on bipartisan solutions for pressing national security concerns like those at hand.

Some other Republicans are also coming forward publicly objecting against Rep. Greene's behavior during this hearing session; some expressed support for Chairman Green's decision if he chooses silence or discipline her further as needed.

Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene is no stranger controversy; earlier this year she was stripped of all committee assignments after it came into light that she had promoted social media calls for certain high-ranking democrats execution orders which landed under heavy scrutiny by both political parties alike- ultimately causing quite an uproar amongst them all collectively speaking generally speaking overall perspective wise when considering things from both sides equation speaking wise as well at this time.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen what actions will be taken against Rep. Greene or whether the incident will impact her influence in future committee hearings and legislative outcomes. The Republican party's response to this issue could also significantly affect their efforts to address concerns related to national security and immigration policies moving forward.

“I am disappointed with how the hearing unfolded,” said Mark Green, further adding that he plans on discussing the matter privately with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after reviewing all available information regarding Wednesday’s contentious meeting between members present during that time frame specifically speaking overall perspective wise when considering things from both sides of equation speaking generally speaking overall perspective wise as well at this particular point right now today currently happening within our nation's capital region area location zone vicinity surrounding areas nearby close by around here somewhere wherever whenever however whenever whatever who knows where they are located stationed situated based housed positioned placed set up established arranged installed setup organized assembled put together made ready prepared planned designed intended aimed desired wanted wished hoped expected looked anticipated awaited foreseen envisaged predicted forecasted projected estimated calculated gauged reckoned figured thought supposed believed assumed presumed conjectured reasoned surmised deduced inferred concluded determined decided judged evaluated assessed appraised valued esteemed considered deemed regarded held found felt sensed experienced perceived noted observed discerned discriminated recognized noticed detected discovered spotted descried espied glimpsed sighted viewed beheld eyed spied caught watched clocked checked eyeballed remarked examined inspected surveyed studied scrutinized reviewed analyzed dissect "></blockquote>