Biden and Trump Face Challenges in Potential 2024 Rematch

Biden and Trump Face Challenges in Potential 2024 Rematch

A 2024 contest between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden is likely to be an epic rematch, with President Biden expected to announce his re-election campaign this week. At the same time, polls show former President Trump with a substantial lead in the Republican presidential field despite facing criminal charges in New York and potential for more legal problems.

A new USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll has found that Joe Biden and Donald Trump each face significant challenges in a potential rematch for the White House in 2024, but opposite ones. For President Biden, his standing is wide but shallow, at risk of being eroded by a credible Democratic challenger for the nomination or a third-party candidate in the fall. For former president Trump, his support is deep but narrow, reinforced by controversies that are all but guaranteed to make it harder for him to expand his support in the general election.

The poll of 600 Biden voters and 600 Trump voters taken by landline and cell phone April 15-18 underscores uncertainties about who's up and what's ahead. For Biden, 85% of his 2020 voters approve of the job he's doing as president while only10% disapprove -a healthy rating yet not quite as embracing as Trump's numbers. In contrast though ,43% of voters report being less excited about supporting him next time; close to double compared with24%who are more excited.

For Democrats, PresidentBiden has managedto governin awaythatsatisfiesmostofthevoterswhoputhiminth eoffice.AnewpollhasfoundthatavastmajorityofAmericansarenotinterestedinapotentialgeneralelectionrematchbetweenPresidentJoeBidenandformerPresidentDonaldTrump.Thep ollalsofoundthat70 %o fallvotersbelievethatBidenshouldn'tseek anotherterm i n office, while60% ofAmericansbelievethatTrumpshouldn'tvie for another term.

As Biden is already the oldest president in United States history at 80 years old, his age is a major factor in his decision to not run again. Despite their apathetic view of Biden, 88% of Democrats, 22% of independents, and 3% of Republicans prefer him over the eventual GOP nominee according to the poll.

An NBC News poll has found that Democratic President Joe Biden trails a generic Republican by six points ahead of his expected campaign launch this week; a significant setback for an incumbent president likely seeking a second term. The poll found that if Biden runs and becomes the Democratic nominee for President only41percentofrespondents would probably or definitely vote for him come November2024.IfBiden istheDemocrats'nominee ,47 %o fthosepolledsaidtheywouldprobablyv otefortheGOPnominee- whoever it may be.

Meanwhile,theintensity gap betweenBidenandthegenericRepublicanis steep withonly21%saying theywould“definitely”vote fo rBidenwhereas20%saidthey “probably” would.OntheRepublicanside ,DonaldTrumpleads t heGOPfieldwithhisnextclosestcompetitorFloridaGov.RonDeSantislagging behind.TheNBC pollsuggestsvotersarenotthrilledwi ththepossibilityofa Trump-Bidenrematchin2024.However,the strong numbersforth eeventualRepublican nomineesshouldbereassuringtothoseconcernedabout Trump'selectability.