Economist John Lott Addresses Gun Control Measures at NRA Annual Meeting

Economist John Lott Addresses Gun Control Measures at NRA Annual Meeting

Economist, researcher, and author John Lott spoke to a captivated audience at the National Rifle Association's (NRA) Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis. During his speech, he addressed gun-free zones, red-flag laws, and other gun control measures while highlighting the story of Nikki Goeser.

Goeser is a woman who has experienced first-hand the potential consequences of restrictive gun laws. She was stalked by a man while running her karaoke business and tragically denied the chance to protect herself or her husband due to existing regulations.

Lott cited statistics from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), stating that 94 percent of mass shootings since 1950 have occurred in gun-free zones. He used this data as evidence for advocating against such policies.

The economist also discussed recent events like Buffalo's mass shooting on May 14th, 2022. The perpetrator - a racist 19-year-old man - took ten lives in cold blood at a local grocery store.

During his speech, Lott said: "These terrible tragedies highlight just how important it is for law-abiding citizens to be able to defend themselves." He further explained that when potential victims are armed with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities under current legislation they can make informed decisions regarding personal safety.

Goeser shared her own experiences during an interview after Lott's address. She recounted how she had applied for a concealed carry permit but was unable to obtain it before losing her husband because state authorities were slow-moving in processing applications during that time period.

"Having my right to self-defense taken away left me feeling vulnerable," said Goeser. "I believe I could have protected myself and my husband if we had been allowed our Second Amendment rights."

Opponents argue that more guns lead only increases violence rates rather than decreasing them; however, studies conducted by the CPRC suggest otherwise. According to their research, states with more lenient concealed carry laws saw a 14% reduction in violent crime rates.

Lott concluded his speech by urging the audience to continue advocating for responsible gun ownership and pushing back against measures that infringe upon Second Amendment rights. He emphasized that every citizen should know their rights and exercise them responsibly, as this is essential for maintaining public safety.

"The key," Lott stated, "is ensuring law-abiding citizens have access to firearms while keeping them out of the hands of criminals and those who would use guns irresponsibly."