Myanmar Military Blames Anti-Coup People's Defence Forces for Killing of Senior Election Official

Myanmar Military Blames Anti-Coup People's Defence Forces for Killing of Senior Election Official

Myanmar's army has accused the anti-coup People's Defence Forces (PDF) of being responsible for the assassination of a high-ranking military-linked election official, Sai Kyaw Thu. The PDF is part of a growing opposition to the country's military rule, which began more than two years ago when democratically-elected politicians were removed from office in a coup.

The National Unity Government (NUG), which was established by these ousted politicians and dissolved last month, has led to an increase in armed resistance against the ruling military junta. Since seizing power in 2021, the military has maintained a brutal crackdown on dissenters with near-daily killings of lower-level officials working alongside them or suspected informants.

This ongoing struggle for power has also ignited renewed fighting between ethnic rebels and spawned numerous other opposition groups throughout Myanmar. One such rebel group claimed responsibility for Sai Kyaw Thu’s murder, accusing him of participating in "oppressing and terrorizing" citizens.

A security camera outside a Yangon pharmacy recorded footage showing two men riding up on one bicycle before opening fire at a black sport utility vehicle believed to be carrying Kyaw Thu. Both gunmen wore hats and face masks as they carried out their attack; following this, they returned to their bike and fled the scene.

Pro-military Telegram channel Myanmagone shared videos capturing both the shooting itself and its aftermath while providing further details about the incident.

As Myanmar continues facing mounting armed resistance from pro-democracy forces as well as long-standing ethnic rebel factions demanding autonomy, tensions escalate between opposing sides within this Southeast Asian nation. In response to these conflicts, Myanmar’s military junta formed the State Administration Council – consisting primarily of members aligned with their cause – to govern all affairs within its borders. This council announced plans earlier this year to hold elections but failed thus far to provide any specific details regarding when voting might take place.