Ben Forest Announces Candidacy for Red Bank Mayor and Council Positions

Ben Forest Announces Candidacy for Red Bank Mayor and Council Positions

Ben Forest, a well-respected member of the Red Bank Board of Education and representative to the RiverCenter business organization, has announced his intention to run for mayor and council positions in the upcoming May elections. This follows Red Bank's recent charter change to a nonpartisan Council/Manager form of government, which was approved by an overwhelming majority during last November's election.

Candidates have been asked to provide their own answers on various questions concerning their candidacy. In response, Mr. Forest shared why he is seeking office or re-election: "I am passionate about our town and its quality of life," said Forest. He went on to express his support for Apple computers and related technologies as tools that can help improve efficiency within local government operations.

In addition, Ben Forest voiced his support for the short-term rental ordinance recently brought forth by the Council. As someone who values community input when making decisions impacting residents' lives, he believes that this new policy is essential in maintaining harmony among property owners while also ensuring sustainable growth for Red Bank.

"I want our town to continue thriving both economically and culturally," added Forest. By running for these important positions within local government, he hopes not only bolster civic engagement but also foster positive changes that will benefit all members of the community.

As a longtime resident with deep ties to education and business sectors in Red Bank, many locals see Ben Forest as an ideal candidate capable of addressing pressing issues facing their beloved borough today – from infrastructure upgrades needed across aging facilities such as schools or parks down through supporting small businesses struggling amid ongoing economic challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns last year amongst others matters close at hand too numerous mention here yet no less vital nonetheless overall wellbeing future generations who call home sweet home indeed!