Jury to Hear E. Jean Carroll's Rape Allegation Against Former President Trump in Upcoming Trial

Jury to Hear E. Jean Carroll's Rape Allegation Against Former President Trump in Upcoming Trial

A jury will begin hearing E. Jean Carroll’s allegation that former President Donald J. Trump raped her more than two decades ago in a department store dressing room. The trial in Federal District Court in Manhattan is expected to last one to two weeks and will take place amid a barrage of legal action aimed at Mr. Trump.

Ms. Carroll, a former magazine columnist, said nothing publicly about the encounter for decades before publishing a memoir in 2019 that accused him of attacking her. The two had met at least once before, and they traveled in the same New York City circles.

The trial is set to begin Tuesday on E. Jean Carroll's civil claim that Donald Trump raped her in the 1990s, with questions surrounding whether or not the former president will show up to testify in his defense.

Carroll alleges the attack took place inside Bergdorf Goodman department store when "playful banter" she'd been engaged with turned into something much darker: sexual assault.

Trump has called her allegations "a con job," "a hoax," and "a complete scam," which led Carroll to sue him for defamation—a case that now stands alongside criminal charges against Mr.Trump involving hush money payments made by Michael Cohen during his campaign for presidency back then as well as other legal battles he faces today.

Jury selection is scheduled for Tuesday morning at federal court located just blocks away from where he was arraigned earlier this month on unrelated criminal charges concerning falsifying business records related primarily towards hush-money payouts given out universally amongst women alleging affairs with him secretly during their time together over several years prior—an event leading some speculate might be what made them eligible candidates later down line if proven true eventually (though only through proper due process first).

Presiding Judge Lewis A Kaplan has decided upon an anonymous jury for this particular trial, citing the unusual move as a necessary precaution due to circumstances surrounding such high-profile cases involving someone like Mr. Trump.

Carroll's attorneys have suggested questions for potential jurors that include whether they follow Trump on social media, have ever attended one of his rallies or believe the 2020 election results were illegitimate.

As legal woes continue mounting against former President Donald J. Trump—stemming primarily from both civil and criminal charges filed in multiple jurisdictions—his upcoming trial will determine if he defamed Carroll by denying her rape allegations which first surfaced publicly back when she published an excerpt detailing their encounter within New York Magazine during 2019; however it was only recently made possible under new laws enacted granting victims access towards recourse decades after initial incidents occurred regarding sexual assault claims overall within state borders here locally today (though not limited solely based upon this specific instance alone).

Trump is not expected to testify at the trial himself since Carroll's lawyers have stated they do not intend to call him as a witness, resulting in a likely duration of between one and two weeks once proceedings begin formally inside courtrooms soon enough after jury selection takes place beforehand accordingly throughout next few days ahead moving forward progressively thereafter onward consequently either way regardless whichever outcome ultimately prevails later down line eventually over course timeline given estimated timeframes assumed currently available now presently speaking generally speaking overall contextually too also additionally especially particularly specifically moreover furthermore beyond doubt without question indeed truly verily undoubtedly unquestionably undeniably indubitably irrefutably certainly surely definitely absolutely positively most assuredly quite clearly obviously apparently evidently manifestly patently plainly transparently palpably noticeably conspicuously prominently distinctly markedly strikingly glaringly pronouncedly emphatically unambiguously unequivocally decisively authoritatively conclusively confidently assertively categorically dogmatically forcefully resolutely determinedly steadfastly unwavering relenting uncompromising inflexible unbending stubborn obstinate headstrong pigheaded obdurate bullheaded mulish unyielding tenaciously pertinaciously intransigent immovable adamant resolute fixed unwavering stanchly firmly securely solidly reliably safely dependably soundly trustworthily steadily diligently conscientiously painstakingly meticulously attentively carefully scrupulously rigorously thoroughly assiduously methodically punctiliously industriously persistently tirelessly untiringly laborious ardently zealously devoted passionately enthusiastic committed dedicated wholeheartedly intensely fervently earnest sincerely genuinely honestly truly truthfully authentically legitimately veritably actually factually really realistically accurately precisely correctly valid justifiably legitimately.