Mike Pence Testifies Before Grand Jury in Trump Investigation

Mike Pence Testifies Before Grand Jury in Trump Investigation

Former Vice President Mike Pence testified before a federal grand jury on Thursday, as part of the ongoing investigation into efforts by then-President Donald Trump and his Republican allies to overturn the 2020 election. The grand jury is specifically examining the events surrounding the Jan. 6 attack and former President Trump's role in those events.

Pence had been ordered to testify about most – but not all – issues that Special Counsel Jack Smith may have planned to ask him about regarding Trump's efforts to overturn the election results. Other witnesses have claimed that Trump sought to pressure Pence into supporting his "Stop the Steal" campaign and hoped for him to refuse certifying President Biden's win at a Jan. 6 congressional session.

Despite facing this pressure, Pence has attempted to avoid publicly criticizing Trump. Furthermore, his legal team has urged Republican lawmakers to pass legislation that would remove the probe from Department of Justice (DOJ) oversight under Smith, transferring it instead over to intelligence agencies with no power for criminal investigation.

Special Counsel Jack Smith is currently leading two separate DOJ criminal probes focused on ex-President Donald Trump: one investigating potential obstruction of justice during his presidency; another centered around classified documents found within Mar-a-Lago estate back in August.

According to reports from Reuters and other media outlets, former Vice President Mike Pence was discreetly escorted into courthouse’s main entrance without being detected by cameras present outside building. This testimony comes at an interesting time politically; as Mr. Pence weighs possibility of challenging former running mate during upcoming 2024 presidential elections—his decision expected well ahead late June deadline imposed party officials