Rep. Maxwell Frost Criticizes Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for Disparaging Stepmothers

Rep. Maxwell Frost Criticizes Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for Disparaging Stepmothers

Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) took to the House floor on Friday to condemn comments made by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who recently claimed that a woman was not a mother because she was a stepmother. Frost, himself an adoptee, called out Greene's remarks as "bigoted" and "closed-minded."

In his impassioned speech, Frost recounted his own experience of being adopted by "two loving parents," emphasizing that families can be formed in various ways and should not be diminished based on their structure.

"It is disheartening and unacceptable for anyone – especially someone holding public office – to make such disparaging remarks about non-traditional families," said Frost during his address.

Greene's controversial statement came during an exchange with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten earlier this week, sparking outrage among many who felt her words were offensive toward blended families.

Frost implored fellow lawmakers to recognize the love and commitment involved in adopting or becoming a stepparent: “We must embrace all types of family dynamics instead of tearing them down with bigoted, closed-minded reasons.”

Despite the backlash surrounding Greene's comment, no members within the Republican Party have stepped forward to publicly denounce her statement. In response, Frost expressed hope that they would reconsider their silence on this issue: “I sincerely hope my colleagues across the aisle do not agree with Representative Greene’s hurtful comments.”

As an advocate for adoptive families' rights and dignity, Rep. Maxwell Frost remains steadfast in challenging attitudes that diminish these unique bonds' importance.