The Fairfax Bar and Grill in Bloomington, Indiana has found itself at the center of controversy after partnering with a contentious transgender influencer. The bar faced backlash from a now-deleted Facebook post threatening to remove customers who complained about the Bud Light Trans collaboration.
In response to the uproar surrounding their partnership, the Fairfax Bar and Grill initially took a strong stance against intolerance. "Any patron wanting to voice their concerns about this issue will be immediately asked to pay their bill and leave our establishment," read the initial deleted post. However, as business began suffering due to bigotry and hatred stemming from this controversy, the bar's management changed its tone.
On Wednesday, they published another post on Facebook addressing these challenges: "In the last two weeks since sharing our position that we would not tolerate intolerance, our social media has been flooded with blatantly transphobic, homophobic, and racist comments." The statement went on to explain that some regular patrons had left because of these events leading them to need new clientele: “We still need more of you right now.”
Seeking civility within their establishment while navigating an increasingly polarized environment proved challenging for the Fairfax Bar and Grill. On Thursday evening they released yet another message urging understanding among its customers: "We understand that there may be differing opinions regarding our recent partnership; however, we ask for respectfulness when discussing or commenting on it."
Efforts by establishments like Fairfax Bar & Grill demonstrate an ongoing attempt by businesses across America seeking inclusivity amid opposing viewpoints in today's society.
Local resident Marissa O'Connell shared her thoughts on supporting both inclusivity efforts as well as local businesses during difficult times: "I believe that everyone should have equal rights regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. As long-time residents of Bloomington ourselves my family is proud when local businesses take steps toward inclusivity. We will definitely be supporting Fairfax Bar and Grill during these challenging times."
Thomas Krieg, a former regular at the bar who has since stopped frequenting the establishment due to their partnership with the transgender influencer, voiced his discontent: "I used to enjoy going there for drinks with my friends but I don't feel comfortable anymore. They're entitled to do whatever they want as a business; however, it's no longer an environment where I feel welcome."
As this issue continues to unfold in Bloomington, one thing is clear – establishments like Fairfax Bar & Grill are at the forefront of promoting inclusivity while navigating controversial partnerships and seeking understanding among diverse patrons.