New Jersey Technical High Schools Excel in State Rankings

New Jersey Technical High Schools Excel in State Rankings

Cumberland County Technical Education Center has emerged as the highest-ranked high school in Cumberland County, according to an analysis of new school rating data released by the state Department of Education. The technical school ranks 46th statewide among 350 high schools that offer grades nine to twelve. "We're extremely proud of our students and staff for this achievement," says Dr. Dina Elliott, Superintendent of Cumberland County Technical Education Center.

In Salem County, Salem County Career and Technical High School takes top honors as the highest-ranked high school based on the same data from the Department of Education. Mannington Township Elementary School received the highest summative rating among all Salem County schools included in this dataset.

Somerset County Vocational Technical High School holds a similar distinction within Somerset County, ranking first locally and 18th statewide among high schools offering grades nine through twelve. The technical institute also experienced a significant climb upstate rankings – rising an impressive 159 spots.

Dr. Chrys Harttraft, Superintendent at Somerset County Vocational &Technical Schools said, “We are incredibly grateful for these recognitions which reflect our commitment to providing excellent educational opportunities for our students.”

Monmouth's countywide standout is High Technology High School situated in Middletown; it not only topped its local district but emerged as New Jersey's best-rated institution overall with a perfect summative rating – outshining both Monmouth counterparts and other state competitors alike.

Passaic rounds out the list with Passaic County Technical Institute (PCTI) earning accolades as their county's finest educational establishment along with securing a respectable rank at number thirty-seven across all Garden State secondary institutions offering ninth-through-twelfth-grade coursework.

Diane Lobosco, PCTI’s Superintendent expressed her gratitude stating: “Our success can be attributed to dedicated faculty members who work tirelessly every day to ensure that each student receives quality education and support to achieve their goals.”

These results highlight the excellence of New Jersey's technical high schools, showcasing their ability to provide top-notch education, foster innovation, and prepare students for future success in an increasingly competitive global job market.