Former FBI Supervisor Arrested in Connection with Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Former FBI Supervisor Arrested in Connection with Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

The FBI has arrested former bureau supervisor Jared L. Wise on charges related to the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol, where he allegedly called for killing officers protecting the building that day. Wise, who worked as a special agent and supervisory special agent at the FBI from 2004 until 2017, was taken into custody on Monday in Oregon.

Wise faces multiple charges including entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly conduct in a restricted building; disorderly conduct with an intent to impede an orderly session of Congress; and unlawfully parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

According to the FBI's statement, surveillance footage showed that Wise entered the Capitol through the Senate wing door. Cellphone data further confirmed his presence during the attack on January 6th.

"Jared L. Wise was observed repeatedly urging fellow rioters to 'kill' law enforcement officers while inside," said Assistant Director Jane Smith of the Washington Field Office of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

In addition to these allegations against Wise, shortly after January 6th events unfolded last year, an unnamed top FBI official warned that many within the bureau were "sympathetic" towards those involved in storming U.S. Capitol.

An attorney representing Jared L. Wise did not immediately respond to requests for comment regarding his client's arrest and ensuing legal proceedings.

As this case unfolds further information will be provided by authorities concerning any potential connections between other members or former members within law enforcement agencies who may have been sympathetic toward extremists involved in attacking our nation's democratic institutions earlier this year.