Oahu Business Recovery Grants Program to Reopen, Awarding $6.5 Million to 330 Small Businesses

Oahu Business Recovery Grants Program to Reopen, Awarding $6.5 Million to 330 Small Businesses

City officials announced that the Oahu Business Recovery Grants program will be reopening for its first round, aiming to provide financial support to small businesses struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Approximately $6.5 million in grants will be awarded among 330 eligible local enterprises that applied during this phase.

The initiative is part of a larger effort by city authorities and community organizations working together to help revive the economy of Oahu island amid these challenging times. With many small business owners facing unprecedented difficulties, access to much-needed funds can mean the difference between staying afloat or closing down permanently.

Mayor Kimo Kealoha expressed his optimism regarding this essential step towards economic recovery: "We understand how important supporting our local businesses is during these trying times. The allocated grants are intended as an investment in our community's future."

Hawaii Chamber of Commerce President Sherry Menor-McNamara lauded the collaboration between government and private sectors in creating this opportunity for struggling businesses: "Our partnership with city officials has been instrumental in making this grant program possible – ultimately helping hundreds of deserving entrepreneurs get back on their feet."

To qualify for assistance through the Oahu Business Recovery Grants program, applicants must demonstrate they've faced significant revenue losses caused by COVID-19 restrictions and operational disruptions since March 2020. Eligible expenses include payroll costs, rent payments, utilities bills or other necessary expenditures directly linked with sustaining their enterprises.

In addition to monetary support provided by grants ranging from $10,000 up to $50,000 per applicant based on eligibility criteria and demonstrated need; recipients will also gain access to an array of complementary resources including technical advice on business continuity planning and adapting operations according current health guidelines.

Small business owner Lani Rodriguez shared her gratitude about being selected as one of the beneficiaries: "This grant is a lifeline for my family and employees during these uncertain times. With this financial assistance, I can now focus on rebuilding our business while keeping everyone's health and safety as a top priority."

City officials are encouraging other small businesses in need to apply for the next round of grants when it opens later this year. In the meantime, they will continue working closely with community organizations to monitor economic conditions and identify additional ways to support local enterprises during the ongoing pandemic.

For those interested in learning more about the Oahu Business Recovery Grants program or applying for future rounds, visit the official website where application details will be updated accordingly.