Ongoing Investigations into President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden: What to Expect

Ongoing Investigations into President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden: What to Expect

This article looks at the two ongoing investigations into President JOE BIDEN and his son, both of which Republicans are watching closely for any signs of wrongdoing that they can use to their political advantage. It also looks at how the IRS is speeding up the debt deadline and how the investigation into Vice President Biden's handling and possession of classified documents began when she unpacked boxes at the Biden Center in Washington, DC. Finally, a decision from federal investigators on whether to charge HUNTER BIDen “with tax- and gun-related violations” could be coming soon as the investigation appears to be wrapping up.

California Gov. GAVIN NEWSOM addressed the furor over Sen. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-Calif.) as Democrats wait to see if she will return to Congress amid a recent decline in health and questions over her capacity to serve.

Top Republicans in the House and Senate are accusing President Joe Biden of being involved in a bribery scheme for access with a foreign national when he was vice president. They are seeking a document from the FBI following 'serious and detailed allegations' implicating the sitting president. The top republicans state that due to 'credible' whistleblower disclosures, they are seeking access to an internal 'FBI-generated FD-1023 form' that details an 'arrangement' between Biden and a foreigner for an exchange of money for policy decisions.

The FBI and DOJ have provided "valuable, verifiable information" according to Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) who has been working alongside House Committee on Oversight Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Kentucky). However, it remains unclear what steps were taken by these agencies regarding investigating this matter further.

Two Republican lawmakers have demanded that FBI produce an unclassified record allegedly containing evidence showing then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national. The information was obtained from a whistleblower, and Grassley and Comer released a joint statement saying that the document, an FBI-generated FD-1023 form, allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions.

Comer issued a subpoena today following legally protected disclosures to Grassley’s office: "The FBI's recent history of botching politically charged investigations demands close congressional oversight."

In addition to this investigation, US Senators have accused Secretary of State Tony Blinken of perjury - alleging he lied under oath during Senate hearings. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa have sent him a letter asking Blinken to preserve relevant emails and communications with Hunter Biden by May 15th. The Senators have also requested that Blinken produce all records referring or relating to Hunter Biden, his business dealings, or his family’s business dealings.

While these investigations continue into both President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden's affairs, it is unclear what consequences may come as more information becomes available. As developments unfold in these cases Republican lawmakers are keeping watchful eyes on any potential findings they could use for political advantage against the Democratic administration.