Trump May Skip Early 2024 GOP Primary Debates, Rivals Seize Opportunity

Trump May Skip Early 2024 GOP Primary Debates, Rivals Seize Opportunity

Donald Trump is likely to skip one or both of the first two 2024 Republican primary debates, which begin in August, due to his polling lead and a history of skipping debates. However, some of Trump's 2024 primary opponents and rivals are seizing on another attack line, claiming that duking it out with other candidates would only legitimize them. Chris Christie, a Trump confidante-turned-critic and ABC News contributor, said that if Trump gets on the stage, he's at risk of losing his lead.

Instead of participating in the debate, Trump allies suggest that he could offer counterprogramming by holding a rally or some other event at the same time. This tactic could potentially make a debate feel smaller without the presence of the primary front-runner. The first debate may not have the fireworks that Trump typically brings to such events but will serve as an opportunity for other candidates to introduce themselves to voters.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has criticized former President Donald Trump for avoiding early GOP presidential debates because he is afraid of potential opponents. "Trump is showing he is 'afraid to get on the stage against people who are serious,'" said Christie during an interview with ABC News.

Christie added that if Trump does not face his domestic opponents in these political forums now, it might raise questions about his ability to stand up against foreign leaders like China's Xi Jinping and Russia's Vladimir Putin later down the road.

The former New Jersey governor also accused former President-Trump-of making key foreign policy mistakes while in office which contributed significantly towards opening doors for conflicts like Ukraine-Russia war happenning right now

Christie has grown increasingly critical of-Trump over past months knocking-his attempt overturn-2020 election accusing him giving-COVID19 when they were working together White House